About Me

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Chesapeake, Virginia, United States
I'm clueless, clumsy, a big mouth, creative, blonde [in many ways], friendly, a birthmother, smart [so I'm told], lovable, awesome, a rockstar... perfect in every way that He made me..♥

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Rest in peace Dirty Harry ♥

Yesterday our beautiful feline companion Dirty Harry passed away. He was very sick and losing a lot of weight. My mother thinks he might have had diabetes, he drank a lot and was always trying to find the warmest place in the house to sleep. He was beautiful, had the softest fur. He always tried to get into things like hampers, shoe boxes, bathroom sinks and my mother's makeup box. Harry came to us, found us more than we found him. He was sitting in the snow in the middle of the street. We took him home and he decided we were a good family to adopt. Playful, mischievous, stubborn; a voice like a siren. As much as he loved water he merely tolerated baths. He was a good companion for Marshall, our other cat, and he loved to sit on Daddy's chest when he was in the office on the computer. We know that he is in a better place; warm and light; and that Grandma is taking good care of him. Harry we love you very much; you will be greatly missed by all of us.

"While grief is fresh, every attempt to divert only irritates. You must wait till it be digested, and then amusement will dissipate the remains of it." -

-- Samuel Johnson

1 comment:

kellden said...

Amber, thank you for your beautiful words. I just hope that God doesn't mind sharing his bathtub with a cute little cat. 143 Harry.