About Me

My photo
Chesapeake, Virginia, United States
I'm clueless, clumsy, a big mouth, creative, blonde [in many ways], friendly, a birthmother, smart [so I'm told], lovable, awesome, a rockstar... perfect in every way that He made me..♥

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

for Shane, Deanna and Aedyn..



So I was shopping in Walgreens when I received the text message from Deanna. Then I kinda started to scream, laugh and jump up and down. Needless to say I was very excited and happy for them. They are already perfect parents and genuinely the greatest, most compassionate people you will ever meet so I know that another baby in that home just equals more happiness and love.

Congrats again and many happy returns to the ever-expanding Moore family!!

do what makes you happy

1 comment:

Shane, Deanna, and Aedyn said...

Thank you Amber. Your words are always so loving and perfect. We are so thrilled to have such a lovely person,such as yourself, in our lives.