About Me

My photo
Chesapeake, Virginia, United States
I'm clueless, clumsy, a big mouth, creative, blonde [in many ways], friendly, a birthmother, smart [so I'm told], lovable, awesome, a rockstar... perfect in every way that He made me..♥

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

the root of the root and the bud of the bud

Our female cat Sugar Baby is in heat. [oh joy!] Our three fertile, strapping males; Cocoa, Jack and Mr. Kitty; are all clamoring around the front door trying to get some, uh sugar, if you will. I had to lock her up in our room because Jack was actually attacking her. He is Siamese after all. She was yowling and crying to be let out. I could her Jeffrey from the kitchen saying "Hush your mouth! Silence you tramp!"
Our neighbors on the corner across the street are for some reason cutting down all the beautiful trees lining their front and side yards. I can understand taking down one tree if it posed immediate threat to your house or power lines, but taking out 6 trees? They were beautiful, and provided shade along the sidewalk which I am sure passersby appreciated. It's just ridiculous.
I was sitting on the porch writing in my notebook when a man from the tree company sauntered over, wanting to discuss taking out our tree in the backyard. We have a large pecan tree that unfortunately has died, but its just so pretty. I love to take pictures from the base looking straight up the trunk.
But our landlady thinks it's an eyesore and wants to get rid of it. Whatever. He inspected the backyard and gave Kathie a price quote:
Cutting down pecan tree- $800
Stump grinding [?]- $75
Hand carrying tree from backyard- $200
Hauling 1 load of debris- $125
Destroying God's work-priceless.
[Ok I added the last one, BUT IT'S TRUE!]
That's a total of $1200, a months rent at my parents' house!
Our pecan tree.

In other news, I received a call from Sgt. Greer this morning, [surprise surprise] and I am leaving for Montgomery on Monday. *big sigh of relief* So for the rest of the week I'm just gonna take it easy and spend all the time I can with Jeffrey.

"I carry your heart with me. I carry it in my heart. I am never without it. Anywhere I go, you go, my dear. And whatever is done by only me... is your doing, my darling. I fear no fate... for you are my fate, my sweet. I want no world, for, beautiful... you are my world, my true. Here is the deepest secret no one knows. Here is the root of the root... and the bud of the bud... and the sky of the sky of a tree called life... which grows higher than the soul can hope... or mind can hide. It is the wonder that's keeping the stars apart. I carry your heart. I carry it in my heart"
e e cummings

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